Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Return to NYC - Last Spring's Market Color

That's better!!!!!  Oh yes.  I needed a couple more days of mental refreshing.

Now I'm back!  It has helped that we have had two mild days here in L.A.  With temps

creeping up on 70 degrees in the afternoons.  What I've really needed is a long good walk to blow out the cobwebs. Have any of you had one?  I've had a few brief sidewalk scoots to the post office and library, and several games of bracing tennis but not one of those soul cleansing walks.    (Putting it on the list!  Alongside the otherwise wearying must-do's that have crept back into the day parades.  Laundry again, refill the frig, bank, vet appointments, vacuum....... AGAIN!)

We've had a chilly holiday season.  Some years we fall off the plane from London on New Year's Day to find ourselves plunged into sultry 80 degree heat!  DEEEEELISH!  But this year we've had a solid 6-8 weeks of crispish weather.  Good thing I bit the bullet in late November and bought myself a warmer waterproof coat and lumpy sweater.  I need them! This year has also brought an inauguration of tall boots and thick tights.  Something it apparently took awhile for my brain to come to grips with after several years in tropical Hawaii.

I would be happy for spring......ANY.  MINUTE.  NOW.

Till then, guess I'll have to settle for these beguiling pics

from last spring's wanderings around NYCs Union Square Market.

It's strange.  I no longer feel much connection at all to that city.  I lived there a long time!  Have you ever had that feeling about someplace you once lived?  It seems such a foreign world to me now.  

Anyway, borrowing that Oscar Wilde line....."I love talking about nothing.  It's the only thing I know anything about." know!  Sometimes, it's just like that.  Cheers!  It's almost the weekend again!


  1. oooh the flower pics, love 'em. We have paper whites and daphne blooming outside and makes me yearn for SPRING as well.

    That feeling you talk about? The town I grew up in. Never had a connection when I lived there. Sad but true!

  2. J'adore les tulipes, et celle-ci dans leurs papier blanc sont vraiment superbe... merci pour ces belle photos plein de fraîcheur... A Paris il fait gris, il pleut depuis une éternité... et se balader dans jolis marchés colorés comme ceux que tu nous présentent, cela me manquent cruellement...! Très bonne journée

  3. Il me faudrait aussi une jolie promenade comme celle-ci pour échapper à la grisaille hivernale... Je ne crois pas avoir jamais eu ce sentiment de ne pas être en adéquation avec le lieu où je me trouvais... sans doute parce que je suis très souvent plongé dans mes pensées (?).

  4. Just the opposite for me- grew up in New york. Still a part of me although I live 3000 miles away.
