Monday, July 26, 2010

Fete Champetre - Rambouillet

Acquired by Louis XVI for it's hunting, where an elegant dairy was built to divert the queen, site of the Bergerie Nationale where merino sheep were brought by Louis XVI from Spain to supply the court with their soft wool, summer home of Presidents of France and meeting place for dignitaries and diplomats.  On a broiling hot summer day in 2010, it was full of long vistas, and peaceful picnic corners.  Long swathes of grass for napping.  Barely an hour outside of Paris.


  1. stunning, i lvoe quiet places to lie on hte grass - i loved kensiongton gardens and its little wilderness areas. made you forget you were in a city for a little while! jx

  2. Your photos of this fĂȘte champĂȘtre are beautiful! What calm... Thank you for sharing them. Have a lovely week!

  3. Are you just trying to hurt me are sooth me. I been in the car all day, billboards, signs, poor people, trash, graffiti. Alright it worked I feel better now.
