Tuesday, August 27, 2013

To Get You Ready for "La Rentree" - Tahitian Vanilla

As much as I've always hated for summer to be over

there's always a little excitement about Fall.  Even tho' I'm not still in school, the weather's cooler 

and it makes me feel a little bit bouncy.  I look forward to new clothes, new friends, learning new things.

Nothing like super fresh donuts on a cool-but-sunny Autumn morning, is there?

And maybe a nice letter will come through the mail from a summer friend.

It will seem o.k. again to want to do something to the house inside, and to paint it darker for cool weather cozy-ing.

And eating yummy things.  (Have I already mentioned that?)

I'll want to bring color into the house again, instead of going outside to find it.

And the sweets of summer will be (sadly) a misty memory.  All pics via TahitianVanilla tumblr.

Nice huh? Hope your summer has been all that you hoped!


  1. looks fine (but not too soon, please…)
    warm greetings from Paris!

  2. Wonderful photos! And just like you I think fall has it's own charm. Earlier I didn't like autumn at all, but through my husband I've grown to love it. He thinks of autumn as a new beginning, and now I feel the same way. Love your blog by the way, I'm so glad I found it! All the best from Anette in Norway :)

  3. Je n'aime pas les macarons, mais ceux-ci me donnent vraiment envie... et comme toi j'aime beaucoup l'automne, les températures douces, les jolies couleurs de la nature et plein de nouveaux projets à planifier...!




  4. cool weather cozying. you've got it!
    hope to find you soon,
