Thursday, November 15, 2012

By the Sea, By the Sea - Hastings

An old old town

An old

old way of life.

Hastings still has the

largest beach based fishing fleet

in England.

I love the sober geometry of these ice houses.

Isn't the light so beautiful by the sea?

What do you think about the life of a fisherman?  Could you be one?

Have a happy weekend!  I'm going to take a bit of a break for a birthday and some Thanksgiving preparations.  I'll be back soon.........


  1. i have never been to hastings. those ice houses... my, my. the architecture on those!
    have wonderful days!

  2. Quelle visite extraordinaire, j'ai l'impression que tu as trouvé une machine à voyager dans le temps !

  3. Those ice houses - I've never seen anything like that before. Wow, so ... funny! Anyway, into Downton Abbey at the moment and drooling over all the English fabulous-ness. Gorgeous. You lucky girl for having the connection you do :^)

    Happy happy birthday MP and enjoy your holiday. XO

  4. oh oui je voudrais vivre dans la cabane bleue du pêcheur (avec un vrai pécheur de crevettes de crabes sans oublier les huitres) et dejeuner au soleil adossée aux jolies cabanes à glaces (jamais vues avant!...) Bon long we Miss Paradis à bientôt!

  5. what a lovely town. i would love to spend the day there just wondering around...

  6. I love this so much. :-) No, I could not be a fisherman. I like being BY the sea, not on it. :-)

  7. Cela donne envie de découvrir cette petite ville, et d'y séjourner dans la maison bleue...!
