Thursday, April 11, 2013

Distractions Distractions

I'm finding it a little addictive.

I started working seriously at it late last summer.  There have been interruptions:  cakes, holidays, plants, traveling, plus all the business of the everyday.  (You know about that!)   And now there is a writing class!  OY!  

But I'm managing to accumulate a little pile of these things.  Paper Cuts.  They're hard to photograph.  And tricky to mount.  

But one day..........I might share with you more of what's distracting me.  

Whatcha doing this weekend?  Hope it's a really good one!  


  1. oh yes, please show us! bise de Paris!

  2. I hope you are using finger protection! I know that beautiful craft can hurt. Would love to see, but if that is yours in the photo, I see already that it is great and very ambitious. Bon weekend!

  3. Beautiful, beautiful! (and indeed, a very addictive 'distraction' :)
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Le mot qui me vient à l'esprit est délicatesse... ce week-end ? Heu... si le printemps arrive enfin, promenade en forêt et diner entre amis...

  5. Le mot qui me vient à l'esprit est délicatesse... ce week-end ? Heu... si le printemps arrive enfin, promenade en forêt et diner entre amis...

  6. Ce week end on attend le soleil, alors je pense que je vais mettre un tranzat ds le coffre de la voiture et que je vais le planter soit tout près du bord de la mer pour écouter le bruit des vagues ou en forêt pour respirer les bonnes odeurs des aiguilles et des pommes de pin...Bon we à toi ma chère Miss Paradis!

  7. Oh MP! It's really beautiful, I love all the shapes and how they fit and flow together. I see something great happening here! I hope you show us more... this is exciting! More creative distraction YES!

  8. Un travail tout en délicatesse.. en attendant d'en voir beaucoup plus et pour le WE, je m'allonge toute la journée dans l'herbe en plein soleil... qui devrait briller sur Paris... Bon dimanche

  9. so here i find a little preview... b'*** hard work too, if you ask me...
    make sure you find yourself in a comfortable position to do these...!

    pretty hard to photograph, i can imagine...
    i'm all curious now...!

  10. I can't wait to see what you've made!!! I love paper cuts so much, but haven't learned how to do it myself. I'd really love to see your work. :-)

  11. oh please share more :D
