Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Staying Close, Gardening, and the Gloaming

I have been laboring in my new garden mostly non-stop for the last week.

Some progress is being made.  But not really enough to merit much in the way of photography.

i.e., any pic I would show you would only reveal so much still UNDONE.

And lots that is not so very beautiful.  But in the evenings....

I allow myself a wander around to capture that for which I am NOT responsible:

The little whisper of evening light.

That is blessedly transforming.

And poetic.  It makes up for the hard labors of the day.  And it's a promise of what's to come.


  1. La beauté des fleurs compense la faible lumière... Ton jardin est superbe ;)

  2. La photo N°4 et la N°6 sont vraiment très belles.. merci pour ce petits moment au jardin. Bonne soirée..!

  3. a whole rainbow!
    warm greetings from Paris.
