Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Multiplication Fables

Taking a break from the UK posts.....

but I think you might like these just fine.

(*  All  pics sourced variously from many Tumblr sites where provenance, copyright and attribution seem just a twinkle in some old geezers' eyes.  How long can this Paradise of Randomness last?  Makers: come claim your work?)


  1. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts, righty? How is your photoshop course coming?

  2. ohhhhhhhh magnifiques toutes ces images, belles recherches ma chère petite miss Paradis xoxo!

  3. Love the play on words in the post title! Also, what a great post concept. How did you find so many multiples - and interesting ones at that? Clever you MP!

  4. C'est superbe... je pense aux accumulations d'Arman... et j'aime...

  5. C'est beau ! j'adore les photos 1, 3 et 4. Bon weekend à toi :)
