Friday, February 5, 2010


What have you got planned?  We will be playing music and barbecuing with new friends.  Hope it's a good one!


  1. Incredible photo! the hues of blue-green are amazing. thanks for this!

  2. Agreed on the photo -- what camera are you using, Mlle?

    In blizzardy Washington, we have planned snowball fights. If I had a camera like yours, I'd show you: it's so gorgeous and fun and car-less; it's brought out the child in everyone, to great effect.

  3. I have so enjoyed this 'succulents' series. Looking at your beautiful photos has thawed out the winter chill a bit (always appreciated! :), and the shapes and colours of these plants are just so darn pleasing.
    And, wow, Huntington Gardens is positively Seussian!

  4. So fun to hear from all three of you, Kenza in Delhi, Scraps of Life in D.C. and Suzanne in Amsterdam - this is what makes blogging fun for me. Finding the corners of the world convened for me on my pink sofa on a Sunday a.m.! (It feels a little like Gidget at the U.N. is that WAY TOO OLD a reference?) Scraps of Life: who's winning, the blue states or the red states! I think you all needed that snow badly to "chill out" a bit!

    Oh I don't have my camera in front of me but it's a Sony digital I think it has a Zeiss lens. Glad you liked the pics. I'm afraid I'm not a techie, I just do my best! Will try to get back to you all on that.

  5. I adore this photo...I had an odd affection for succulents. They are so bizarre but beautiful I think. Hope you enjoyed the weekend!
