Saturday, June 22, 2013

Happy Post-Summer Solstice Weekend Y'all!

It's true, I've been so distracted

by landscape issues at my house........(I mean the fire department was, and ready to issue a lien against it for brush-clean-up-delinquency so I had to get serious help in, for today, and for the future.)

(both pics via The Brick House blog)

that I completely forgot to do a Summer Solstice weekend post.  I always feel I inadequately observe the summer solstice.  Shouldn't I start it in a sleeping bag by some water at about 5 a.m. and finish it dancing on top of a picnic table with sparklers at about midnite?  (And yes, grilled food would probably be involved.)  That would seem so right!

But most of my summer solstices are sooooooo more sedate than that.  It comes a little early in the year, don't you think?  

Anyway, hope yours was good and that you have good dancing plans for the rest of the summer.



  1. L'été vient de commencer et tu me donnes envie de chaleur tropical et de cactus...! J'espère pour toi un très bel été... XOXO

  2. Il semble en effet que ce solstice soit en total décalage avec les saisons. Ici, on attend toujours le printemps ;)

  3. Pareil pour moi, j'attends le printemps qui ne vient pas.....alors l'été..... ;)

  4. How funny to think that you are celebrating summer solstice while we are celebrating winter solstice!! :-)

  5. well, i slept alot. just saying.
