Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Huntington's New Chinese Garden, San Marino

So here's a little post as promised of the new - well approximately 2 year old -

Chinese Gardens at The Huntington Library and Gardens in San Marino just outside of Pasadena

and spitting distance from where I live - lucky me!

It's actually quite beautiful and well realized.  I wasn't sure the first time I visited it

because it does tend to be more about the structures than about the plantings.

But it's filling out beautifully and is a graceful charming place to sit quietly and relax.

There are pavilions to sit with family and sip softdrinks with eggrolls (!)

I must say I would have LOVED it if they actually served

full multi-course Chinese meals here, or a selection of dim sum.  To get you really in the mood.

What a change that would make from those noisy garish dumpling palaces that prevail these days.

How nice it would be to pick at tender steaming fragrant morsels of yeasty dough and glistening pork and shrimp.....mmmmmmm - mmmmmm!

While gazing out on these gorgeous spaces.  And sipping steaming but delicate cups of tea?

There would be a light waft of jasmine - from the tea, or the plantings?

Somewhere wind chimes would be softly clattering in a gentle breeze.

And a poet would be napping after his morning's labors.


  1. so so beautiful and serene! thank you.

  2. Wow!! Stunningly gorgeous, Paradis. I love this so very much. :-) Peaceful, beautiful escape. :-)
