Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Fresh Start

(Photo: Rachel Whiting)

The magnolia's are already blooming where I am.  But I'm guessing that where you are it is still mostly white.

Soon there will be green shoots.

(Photo: Carlos Cezanne; Attitude 32-2010; This and following pic)

And fresh new faces all around.

A rainbow of choices.

Of vivid possibility.  Will you stay or will you go?

(Photo: Rachel Whiting)

Or will you rest a little between two chairs?

What kind of new world will you build for yourselves this year?
(Sorry not sure where those other pics came from!)


  1. - A good question!
    - Still between two chairs (just found out the landlord won't sell)
    - hopefully a world centered around peace, creativity, exploration, and good food.

    Love this place, love your words Mlle P.

  2. J'aime beaucoup ce qui est chic et raffiné! Mis a part la cuisine ( trop bien rangée )j'aime beaucoup ton choix d'images, je t'embrasse fort miss Paradis.l'entre deux chaises me plait bien,
    j'ai entendu dire que les couleurs phares de l'année 2011 seraient le moutarde et le noir avec du gris et des verts dégradés..c'est exactement l'ambiance de ces photos..j'espère que tu as un bon traducteur! je t'embrasse,béa.

  3. Oh tu as raison, c'est ainsi qu'il faut (re)commencer. En couleurs et en beauté !

    Que 2011 soit une très belle année pour toi

  4. Happy new year!!
    Thanks for your support about my it's always appreciated.
    And for the shop...yes in Italy it's a slow process because of immense burocracy, but not like this!! I had a strike of unlucky events that have slow down the process. The last one: the front shutter broke and there is no way I can pull it up. I can get in from the back door, but I can't let in any customer!! But I am quite sure it was 2010's way to wave me goodbye. i challanged it and I went through everything pretty well, so 2010was upset and needed some revenge. I reacted the italian way: I took some days off. Bring it on 2011, i'm ready!

  5. ...loving that image of the rainbow-cabinets!...

  6. For me this year, I'd like a world of sweetness and harmony!

    Great photo selection, I love Vanessa Bruno's appartmenent!

  7. j'aime ce post où les mots et les images se répondent si bien !
    Happy 2011 à toi !
