Sunday, April 4, 2010

Get in the Garden!

Spring is more or less here.  Depending where you are in the world.  The obvious next step is to get into the garden. Garden stuff is pretty much classic stuff.  It doesn't change alot from year to year.  That in no way detracts from the attraction of these simple, useful things.  I see myself falling asleep very happily here in a waning sun - at the end of long day of weeding raking and hoeing - with an open book across my face and a soft breeze blowing!

From les Archives du Paradis,  an inspired Conran Shop (London) garden display from a couple years back.   Everything a happy gardener needs is here. Wouldn't you love to have one of these at the bottom of your garden?

Was there anything special special about your Easter Weekend?  Which do you like best - the weather, the egg hunts, or the chocolates?


  1. love this little shed Mlle Paradis...
    the simple aesthetic holds such appeal!

    Easter....well this year I got lost in my studio and had the house to myself. really, really quiet...I languished in the quiet. Plus living next door to tennis courts - for once so many people were away that there was no 'thwack thwack' going on to wake me up.

    hope you had a lovely long weekend!

  2. Hi! Thanks for your concern. I have added a small note on the blog as some have also asked me why I would be off-line. Thanks again!

  3. i´d settle for a conran shop nearby:)... easter in spain is a no frills day. nothing fun to report. have a great week!

  4. The ocean, the wonderful, rocky, blustery, afternoon at the ocean. That was my favorite bit. :-)
