Last Monday, I walked down my hill. And this is what I found.
L.A., in late October is full of color.
In fact we're enjoying an Indian summer with temperatures in the 80's. (It's good for the fleas.)
It's always still Hollywood here, and someday you may see this backdrop in a movie at your local cinema. (It's not ALL CGI's these days.) Or at the Pantages Theater just down the road. I would love this job. I grew up in a scenery shop below a theater. Oh happy days!

I've mentioned this before. There are more homeless people in L.A. than ever. In addition to the long existing and largest-in-the-U.S. "skid row". (Los Angeles is where the expression "skid row" came from.) It stands to reason since we have such mild weather. But now people who have no housing are coming out of downtown and seeking "quieter" places - under overpasses, along freeways and in the bushes by the river, in the hills with the coyotes - to get away from the drugs and drug users, the other homeless who might harass and steal from them, the police who do regular "hygiene sweeps" and confiscate and destroy their few remaining belongings, medicine, toiletries, photos of loved ones......
Last spring the mattress was slept in by day by a healthy looking blonde woman. Her space was very tidy. I wondered then how she could feel safe. I guess sleeping in the day in a fairly well trafficked area seems safer than in the night. Now someone else is sleeping here next to his few belongings and what has happened to her?
Don't even get me started about those sleazy American Apparel ads, shot and "art directed" by the company's owner here in L.A. I'm not finding alot of art in them. I boycott the store.
On a happier note, here's a little local community garden. Could those be beehives in the back? (I only just realized they're in the picture.) I'll have to go back and find out. In the foreground is a very healthy papaya tree. I want one!
Yes it's lush here in the "desert".
Christmas is coming, but I can hardly think about it! Instead, I'm thinking about the weekend. We're going to
(Richard Thompson is a proper old grouchy English geezer with an amazing voice and guitar style. Do you know him?)
What are your plans? For the weekend I mean. HAVE A GOOD ONE.