Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Most of these pictures
(New York anti-police violence march, via USUncut)
(L.A. Garner/Brown/Racism protests)
(India - Bhopal protest)
"Week in Pictures"
(Hong Kong - Democracy protesters)
They come from all around the Globe.
(Grand Central Station, NYC - Garner/Brown/Racism protests)
Depending on which side of an issue you are on
(Mexican protests - Missing students)
these are people exercising their human and civil rights. To others, they are "Enemies of the State".
(U.S.: Garner/Brown/Racism/Police Brutality protests)
It's hard to say that any of these people have achieved gains by their actions. So far.
(Hong Kong Democracy protests)
Should they continue to bother?
(France - Anti-Development protest)
What would you go out into the streets to defend?
(London - Loss of Affordable Housing Protest)
(NYC - Garner/Brown/Racism/Police Brutality Protests also below)
What would be your slogan?
A very loved cousin un-friended me on Facebook last weekend. He also doesn't want to talk to me anymore. Ever. He says that I obviously hate everything that he stands for. If what people believe or endorse is diametrically opposed to what you believe, does that make you enemies for life? Should you stay silent about your beliefs because you don't want to offend people you love?
I don't think so. Life is messy, isn't it? At what point does disagreement become war? I don't want to know. But more and more people are finding out. It's a terrible truth.
It's nearly Christmas. Wishing you a peaceful Holiday Season. xoxoxo